
Say Hello! to Emma

We asked Emma what she is going to do in Moldova this spring and this is her answer

My name is Emma Lundblad and I am a student of Environmental Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology, LTH. It is a five-year education where the interaction between technology, environment and science is a consistently theme. I have specialized in Energy Systems and will be writing my master thesis this spring.

The aim of the thesis is to make a pre-study for a new landfill in Chisinau, Moldova. To fulfill this I will evaluate which of different suggested locations that is most suitable as the location of a new landfill. The evaluation will take different aspects into consideration. 
These aspects are:
  • social 
  • economical
  • environmental
  • potential risks
  • cultural heritage
  • existing infrastructure  

I will also investigate the geological conditions and the hydrogeology at the locations.

When the most suitable location has been chosen I will give a proposal on how to design the new landfill in regard to the chosen location, the composition of the waste and EU legislation on waste, and particularly the Landfill Directive 99/31/EC. I will also take the leachate water from the landfill into consideration as well as the formation of gas.

I will spend two months in Chisinau, where I will visit the existing landfill and the different possible locations for the new one. I will also interview experts in Moldova so that the pre-study will be as applicable as possible.

I am leaving for Chisinau on the 9th of February and will return in the middle of April. I am looking forward to my visit and I am hoping to learn a lot both about landfills and about Moldavian culture during it. 

Best regards
Emma Lundblad

Good luck Emma!

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